Inspiration Station: Quote & One Week in✍️

We’re officially about a week into 2023.

New Year’s Day (and January in general) can be a bit of a rollercoaster🎢—fresh starts and anticipation for the next months, yes, but also tinged with bittersweet memories of false starts from the past months and years.

So often at this time of the year, the expectation is for absolute change and immediate results, which can create a lot of pressure and self-judgment. It’s really easy to be hard on ourselves when we put in the work for a few days or weeks, and yet there feels like no forward momentum anywhere in sight.

So often we think setbacks only happen to us, when setbacks are normal, and annoying, unexpected obstructions are part of the journey for everyone. Much of life as an artist and as a sensitive person is unknown and out of our control; let’s gift ourselves kindness, a deep breath, and permission to adjust or detour as we need to.

Goals and dreams are allowed to evolve, stretch, and grow as we, too, grow. Just one teeny-tiny start in the direction of our writing and personal goals can set us up well, especially if we approach goals with flexibility and knowing there’ll be speed bumps. The path might not happen as we thought it would (I’m continually surprised), but it will still be meaningful and worthwhile to keep practicing our art and to keep striving.

Let’s keep our self-talk positive and supportive, as we would for a friend. I tend to forget this one, so I’m reminding myself here. 😁

For today, focus on just one slight step. Follow with another on another day. Onward! 🌞👍