Interview Published about Self-Care for Creatives at Bold Journey! 🥳

Excited to share this interview with Bold Journey! A bit about the magazine: “Bold Journey is a space to share stories and learn from each other's experiences.”

Melanie, we are so happy that our community is going to have a chance to learn more about you, your story and hopefully even take in some of the lessons you’ve learned along the way. Let’s start with self-care – what do you do for self-care and has it had any impact on your effectiveness?
I’m a professor, tutor, freelance editor, and writer. I absolutely love being surrounded by motivated writers through my teaching and freelancing.

I’m also an introvert. A big part of being verbally connective for hours at a time and sharing what I know in support of others’ writing journeys is also maintaining ways to care for myself to ensure that I bring my best to personalize my responses to students and writers and to connect with my students, friends, and family in meaningful ways. 

One of my doodles—another way I rejuvenate. ✍️

A big part of my self-care routine in the past four years has been to support myself in taking breaks. Freelancers tend to work morning, noon, and evening, so I make a point most days to take at least two small breaks. Making mint tea (my favorite), reading a novel, sending my sister a funny meme or gif, or watching a few minutes of a streaming show or movie are all good, quick rejuvenators mid-day or at day’s end.

I’m certainly not perfect, and some days I only get one break…or none at all. I had a day this week with no break. In that case, the next day, I take a whole hour or two off (in the morning or early afternoon, to ensure that I work it into the day) to doodle, write, read, or take a nap to make sure I don’t burn out. The times I’ve gotten very close to burn-out have been disconcerting enough that I want to do all I can to ensure that I have the energy to support my own well-being so that I can give more support to others as well.

I’ve also gotten better over the years at telling myself what I would tell a friend, “You’ll actually have more energy and focus if you give yourself this break. Go for it!” 99% of the time, I’m amazed that, returning from even a 10- or 20-minute break, my thinking is clearer and my outlook is refreshed.

Taking walks, listening to music, and my writing practice are also huge parts of my self-care routine.

A shadow self-portrait I took one day for the fun of making something new. 📸

So is something like painting my nails a bright color or taking my camera out to capture some photos. As an introvert who is also communicative, these little, personal breaks to create something (which gives me renewed energy) often act as springboards to work I wish to share later. There are other times when I write or draw or photograph something just for the sheer joy of expression. Sometimes, I think we put too much pressure on being good at an art rather than practicing it just for our own fulfillment, and I want to tell everyone who is reading this that learning an art or a craft or a sport you always wanted to learn can be a great part of self-care and encourage your path–as well as a lot of fun.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
I have been a published author and an educator for over 20 years, and I’ve been a writer since I was a child. I love to challenge and motivate myself to try various forms of creative expression, from writing narrative poems to autofiction and a Regency novella to film photography and drawing.

My most recent meaningful adventure was learning how to design my own book cover and self-publish my latest collection of poetry, called Does It Look Like Her?, about a painter, her teaching journey, and her son. I also love writing craft books about various writing topics, from writing flash fiction and poetry to the publishing process and photography, and Vine Leaves Press has published six of my craft books where I share tips and anecdotes of my writing journey with fellow writers. Motivating and supporting others in their path to creativity and personal expression has been an important part of my journey as a teacher, artist, writer, and friend, and I value and appreciate the writers I get a chance to meet and to share this writing path with as I develop my own art.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
As a writer, perseverance, hope, and determination keep me rolling ever onward on my path. A sense of humor and the camaraderie of fellow authors certainly help as well.

Developing a support network as you practice an art, launch a small business, change careers, or any other venture in life is very helpful and often sustains our creative work as well as a feeling of connection in the literary community. Being a supportive, listening ear to others is also meaningful and a wonderful way to develop as an artist, writer, friend, and/or educator.

Is there a particular challenge you are currently facing?
The number one obstacle I face and which my fellow writers and students often mention is time. Our lives are so packed with activities that having empty pockets of time has become a luxury. At the same time, to make art or a good novel draft or other worthwhile parts of life, we need time to daydream, to dawdle, to plan, and to relax. It’s a real challenge and something that doesn’t seem to get easier to solve over time. Squeezing those self-care breaks into each day or a few times a week seems to work best. So does trying new hobbies or even new foods. Reading a book about something new energizes me as well, even if I can only dip into a few pages each day.

Stopping to have gratitude for the small moment and the little things we appreciate each day is also an energizer and helps to combat the frustration of our overly packed schedules.

My Article Published: "5 Fabulous Perks of Freelance Editing" 🥳

So excited that my article about the perks of freelance editing was published at The Muffin. 🥳

My webinar on this topic this Friday, April 12th is also sure to share even more perks to freelancing. To learn more: clickety-click! ✍️

My article:

Do you love to read? Have you participated in a writing workshop or beta read for a friend? Or taken a creative writing class to learn the building blocks of prose and poetry? Have you offered suggestions for a friend’s essay or creative piece? Are you a creative writer? Are you a fan of precise or beautiful language? Do you love talking about the writing and revision processes? Do you enjoy discovering an individual author’s voice and offering encouragement?


If the answer to any of these questions is yes, freelance editing may very well be a wonderful fit for your natural skills, bring enjoyment, and offer some spending money or a helpful additional income to your household while doing something you already love—communicating and developing fun-to-read, page-turning literature for fellow readers.


Let’s look at just a few of the many perks of becoming a freelance editor. 


1. One of the best parts of freelancing is working directly with a motivated writer who is open to suggestions for making their manuscript clearer and more gripping to readers. We all know how hard it can be to spot errors or inconsistencies in one’s own writing, and as a freelance editor you get the privilege of offering feedback that the author may be too close to the manuscript to notice while self-editing. You work as a team to sculpt the work to optimal length, genre specifications, literary devices, pacing, character and/or plot development, and so much more.


2. You also will likely expand your network and build a bond or a friendship with authors whose manuscript you have the chance to review. It’s a sacred, meaningful honor to be entrusted with a writer’s work, and while bringing out the best in the writing, editors and writers work towards the same goals. Once you have offered supportive, clear feedback to an author on one project, they often return when they have other manuscripts they’d like constructive, helpful suggestions on in the future.


3. Freelance editors have freedom of time and freedom of project-choice. Freelancers set up a schedule and a deadline that mutually work for both writer and editor. Freelance editors also enjoy the freedom to pick the kinds of projects and the genres of writing that most excite us. Do you love reading thrillers and fantasy but dislike mysteries and dystopian work? As a freelancer, you can pick and choose the projects that you feel most excited to offer feedback on and that most inspire you.


4. Most freelance editors begin their small businesses as part-timers, so whether you are working another job, serving as a caregiver, raising a family, running another small business, or juggling multiple life stages and vocations, freelancing offers the flexibility to work from home or a café or shared office space at times that work best for you, your schedule, and your life circumstances. I’ve worked with freelance editors and students of all ages—from their twenties through their retirees—who start editing, and these editors have found that freelance editing fits into their lives around other life events and responsibilities with a little organization and planning.


5. You can work with clients from your local neighborhood or from all around the world at a time that is best for you and your clients’ needs.


Clearly, freelance editing offers countless perks and the satisfaction of adding quality, entertaining, meaningful books to the literary landscape. If you have any interest at all in this exciting, flexible field, it’s well-worth looking into and giving it a whirl. 

Image courtesy of WOW! Women on Writing

⭐ My Narrative Poetry Article Published at Women on Writing's Craft Corner! ⭐

Super excited that my article about narrative poetry was published at Women on Writing today in the Craft Corner. 🪻🥳

I had a blast talking about this meaningful type of poetry as well as my own writing practice, and I packed it with tips for writers exploring this exciting form of verse!

Signed copies of Does It Look Like Her? available at my Etsy store: clickety-click. Also, available (unsigned) through Amazon: clickety-click.

Also, If you, your friends, or your students or writing group are interested in learning more about writing poetry, I have a lot more writing advice and fun prompts for poets in my Vine Leaves Press book, Poetry Power (scroll to the second book on the page for links to Poetry Power ) ! Check it out: Poetry Power: clickety click and at Amazon:clickety-click.

New Project: Does It Look Like Her? Cover Reveal 🎊

Surprise! Time for a cover reveal of my new poetry collection, Does It Look Like Her? Also known as: my first self-published book project and a grand adventure.

Next week, my book will officially have a book birthday and be available for purchase (stay tuned for more details!), but I couldn’t wait any longer to share this first glimpse at my little first-born, self-published book baby.

For a few years now, I’ve loved teaching a university course about submitting work and publishing, getting to share my own knowledge as an indie and small-press-published writer and editor, but the one aspect of publishing I didn’t know a lot about was self-publishing. I previously had no firsthand experience with self-publishing a book through KDP, which was a shame because I’ve long been meaning to learn. #goodintentions  

When I started writing these narrative poems early last year, in the back of my mind, I thought, “Hmm, maybe this is the perfect time to learn a thing or two about self-publishing with one of my own manuscripts, so I can share with my students and friends.”

Fast forward a few months #lifeflies and a rollercoaster learning curve, and I finally nudged myself into gear and am so grateful I did. #stepbystep #perfecttiming   

If there’s anything you’ve been dreaming of doing or thinking about starting for a few years, begin here and now. This is your gentle nudge; you’ve got this first step.

My collection may not be perfection, but I gave it my all, and I can’t wait to share these poems about a painter, her son, and the artistic process!   

Give Yourself a Break 🍂

Here's the nudge you've been waiting on. Go ahead. Give yourself a little break today.

My daily and weekly to-do lists run off the page; I'm sure most of yours do, too. I so seldom decide to clear some time in my afternoon for a slowdown, but I knew when I woke this morning that it was just what I needed to rejuvenate my artistic well.

For an hour or two, I'll continue to play with my photos and maybe start some poetry or prose, too. And perhaps read or listen to music.

Even if you can only squeeze in twenty minutes and you schedule it in for tomorrow or a weekday or an evening after work or at 4 am before work, give yourself the gift of a pause to daydream, create, nap, listen to music, reflect, take a walk, take up space.

You, too, deserve an unexpected respite. 🥳
#artistslife #artistslifeforme #createeveryday #rejuvenate

"Four Reasons Food Can Spice Any Genres You Write" 🍝

Wonderful news! 🥳My article was published by Women on Writing today! Check it out, and then give the writing prompt a whirl. 📝

Four Reasons Food Can Spice Any Genres You Write

By: Melanie Faith


Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash.

It’s just about autumn in the US, which is an important weather shift in the seasonal states. Humidity dissolves as leaves turn into a crayon-box bonanza of shades while it remains sunny, bright, and crisp enough for a walk in a cozy, knit sweater and a mug of steamy tea after.  Another signal of the time shift is the shortening of days and the lengthening of my appetite.


While I enjoy eating all year ‘round, there’s something special about the chill in the air and the darkening of the evenings that increases my appreciation for sweet and savory flavors. Bring on the ooey-gooey cakes and breads, the creamy mac and cheese, the hearty, saucy spaghetti Bolognese!


No matter the season, the rituals of eating; snacking; food buying, storage, and preparation; meal clean-up; and food sharing surround our days and can be integrated into our writing to enrich our work.  Let’s look at four reasons why adding food writing to our repertoire can deepen our writing:


Food connects us: Nothing reminds us more of our communities and the cultures we belong to than food.  References to the recipes, meals, and snacks your protagonist grew up eating and still makes can provide shorthand for so many parts of your character’s background and life, including but not limited to her family of origin’s geography, socioeconomic status, and more. Certain foods will instantly be connected in readers’ minds with a particular state, region, cultural heritage, or country, while other foods and beverages are universal to many communities—which will give your readers other insights into how your unique character fits into a larger trend or social sphere or, conversely, how they might rebel against it.  Including meals or restaurant scenes can also demonstrate how your character interacts with others, what she feels comfortable saying or not saying, what she wants to share in public compared to her private thoughts, and so much more.


Speaking of which, food can create both bonds and tensions:  If one of your characters loves attending a weekly potluck she organizes and hosts once a month while another character lives for a quiet dinner for one at home to get away from the stresses of his day job and rejuvenates with the radio on while preparing couscous and a salad, you’ve already set up a way to show (rather than tell) extroversion and introversion. You’ve also set up a scenario where their differing styles could create conflict if these characters become friends, coworkers, family, or romantic partners. Characters can react strongly, or they might have inner hopes or misgivings about what is being served, about their dining companions, or about where the dining takes place. 


Food is also often connected with larger social issues that deeply impact many people both locally and globally—such as food instability, hunger, and ever-rising grocery prices—that you can shine a light on within your writing in nonfiction, poetry, flash, novels, and many other genres.

Photo by Atie Nabat on Unsplash


Favorites and aversions make us each unique. Including small details about what your character loves and loathes eating can strengthen your characterizations. Just like all of us, characters can have detested foods show up in their lives and have to navigate their distaste quietly or verbally, or they can absolutely love quirky regional favorites that their friends and family can’t stand or refuse to try. Conversely, we all love to share our favorites, and sometimes these favorite foods are eagerly adopted by those we love, spreading the joy. Writing that praises, describes, humorously disses, or delights in foods can connect with your audience’s own experiences of likes and dislikes.


Try this exercise!  If you write fiction: your antagonist has just invited your protagonist to dinner. Where will they go? What will they talk about? What is being served for dinner? If you write nonfiction, poetry, or other genres: jot a list of five of your favorite or least favorite foods. Pick one of the foods, set a timer for twenty minutes, and describe a time when you were served or served others this particular food. Use as many sensory details as possible to denote the food and reactions to it. Go!


 Care to learn more? I have a few spots left in my Food Writing class that begins Friday, October 6, and I’d love to have you and a friend join in the fun. Details at: Food Writing for Fun and Profit.


Learn about Freelance Editing! 🌻

Do you love language and helping others make their writing clearer and more resonant with readers? Have you ever wanted to launch your own freelance editing business and wondered how in the world to break in? Then this info-packed webinar is the one for you!

I’ll be giving an online webinar on Friday, September 15 at 1 pm EST. Cost is $39 and includes helpful handouts, a presentation with oodles of tips, and a Q + A at the end of the session.

More info, and sign up today, at:

I’d love to see you there! 🥳

The Power of Simple Joy, Camera Doodle, and Photography for Writers📸

This afternoon, I’ve given myself a few hours to rest. I started with some reading, some writing, then an afternoon nap, then some doodling, and now this post.

May has been bouncy and active in a good way, and it’s always refreshing to work in little pauses whenever possible for the simple power of joy—you know, those hobbies or spaces of free time that are the first to get shoved aside in a busy schedule.

Photography is certainly one of my places of simple joy. So is doodling, so I combined them and worked on this perfectly imperfect doodle of one of my film cameras, the Canon Rebel K2 I got for a song in 2019 or 2020 online.

This summer, starting July 3rd, I’ll teach one of my favorite online courses, Imagery Power: Photography for Writers. Just looking at this camera reminds me of the creative fun that awaits in the class—in which students are free to use any kind of camera (or a mixture of cameras) they fancy, from cellphone cameras to digital cameras to disposal cameras to photosensitive paper, to make their own photographic images and then write about them.

I’ll use this handy-dandy book, Photography for Writers, that I wrote as a class text and also have just written some new prompts that’ll be fun to take for a test spin. Teaching the class also inspires my own photographic process, and I’ll be doing the assignments alongside my students.

Have some time this summer? Care to tap into some simple photographic joy? No previous photography experience necessary. I’d love to work with you and a friend. Sign-ups currently open! More details: Imagery Power Clickety-Click.

As we think about summer, the time is perfect to pause and think about how to work in a little more time here and there, a little more time this week or as soon as possible, for these little pauses that bring you joy. To summer and much happiness ahead!


If you’re looking for an online class to jumpstart your creativity later in the year, I also have these two courses coming up:

An Insider’s Look at Launching as a Freelance Editor (NEW!) One-Day Webinar, September 15, 2023, 1-2 pm

Food Writing for Fun and Profit (starts October 6, 2023, 5-week class; sign-ups open)

New Month, Continued Inspiration 🎆

Happy February!

I’m excited for all that this new month will bring, including my Leaping Worlds online creative writing class for historical-fiction and time-travel writers.

Begins Friday, February 10th. There are still a few spaces left, and I’d love to work with you and a friend. Details at: clickety-click.

Also, here’s a favorite and motivating Hafiz quote to enjoy.

To February, and sweet inspiration!

"Six Methods for Sparking Historical and Time-Travel Stories" 🎉

Super excited that my article was published today at Women on Writing! Check out my craft article below, and learn more about my online Leaping Worlds writing class on this topic that starts Friday, February 10 (sign-ups open!) at: clickety-click/class info!

“Six Methods for Sparking Historical and Time-Travel Stories”

By: Melanie Faith


One of many wonderful facets of writing stories set in the past is that initial aha when an idea lands. While that spark’s arrival can be unpredictable, there are tried-and-true ways that authors of historical fiction and time-travel books employ to discover inspiration that sends them running to their computers.

Let’s take a look at six of these methods.  Take one (or more!) for a spin today.  Glean inspiration from:

Online articles.  Many of my students have found their story ideas while reading either primary sources (first-hand accounts and/or articles written at the time of the events) or secondary sources (articles written in later time periods about historical eras). Most newspapers and colleges now have online databases and articles of literally thousands of letters and historical documents (such as birth, marriage, legal, and land-deed records) that can be perused for free or nearly free. If you take classes or teach, most universities subscribe to database services where you can find even more sources, but even a general online search outside of a school’s website can yield a field-day of resources on just about any historical figure, fact, epoch, or related historical topic you can imagine. Once you find an article of interest, you can then refine your search by typing the precise person, place, or event and filter articles, such as by year published/posted to narrow and focus your search. Have a notebook or word-processing document open for taking notes; always list the author and URL and/or bookmark your sources for handy return to this info for fact-checking later.

Photographs. Are you a visual person? Are you the kind of person who loves paging through old photo albums or yearbooks? Then this method is likely going to lead to stories aplenty for you. I remember visiting historical sites in elementary and high school and being fascinated by tintype photos as well as always being the partygoer magnetized by the photo albums on a nearby shelf. Perusing photos for what people wore, how they did their hair, how they assembled (or didn’t) as a group in photos, who was missing from the photos and why, who took center-stage in the photos, whether the shots were made in a formal studio or by a personal camera in the driveway before the prom, all of these aspects of photos intrigued me and created sense impressions and questions that could easily lead to great fiction. Photos are especially great for writing descriptions of indoor and outdoor settings as well as physical details for characters.

Questions we don’t know the answers to at the moment. This is one of my favorites. So often, I’ll stumble upon a document or a reference in a nonfiction book and several questions will pop into my mind about related ideas that didn’t (for good reason) make it into whatever I’m reading. I keep my writing notebook handy and jot down questions that arise from resources. Later on, these questions can lead to exploration into a character’s motivations and struggles that inform their actions and possibly whole scenes can result. A little bit like a magician’s colorful scarf—one question leads to another and another related question that can reveal images, dialogue, cultural references, and more to inspire writing.

Memories. What did you like to learn about most in history classes in school? Conversely, what did teachers never talk about that they should have or you wish they would have? Answering these questions could certainly help with setting and character development if/when you plunk your protagonist in the middle of the era you’ve always found fascinating.

Visits to museums or national parks. Almost every community around the world has hidden-gem museums about their town, region, or country with amazing historical resources for low-cost entrance and/or donations. Ditto for university and college archives that are open to the public, to alumni, and/or to the school community. Check websites or contact your local archivist or docents for hours or to email/text to arrange a visit. Want to walk through some history? National parks can be inspiring resources and a great way to take a break from the desk for the day. Take a camera and/or photos with your phone to remember specifics about landscape later. Bonus: jot some sensory impressions and notes while you’re there—details flit through our minds on-site that we are sure we’ll remember …and then don’t.

Reading.  Hello, libraries!  It doesn’t matter how many books there are about a topic or historical figure or era or time-travel element—there’s always room for more. When I want to write about a certain era, I’ll read through a few recent and/or long-ago books about the topic, to see what’s already been written and where there might be pockets of information missing or where fresh ideas for a different POV or character arise. Reading and leaving reviews for others’ books is also a great way to give back to the literary community while informing yourself and immersing yourself in a time period to inspire your own totally different but equally interesting historical book.